
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Domainless Static NAT with NVI Zero

Old style or classic NAT is called Domain NATing because in order to do NAT we specify inside and outside domains. But this method seem to have limitations comparing to the newer introduced  method to do NAT called Domainless NATing.

Here are some example situations where Domain NATing can not be used.

Above VRF example situation, both the VRF subnets (Shop & Bank) have to be NATed when they enter the VRF-Service network. We cannot use Domain NATing here..

And also in the second diagram, you can see that both the INSIDE and DMZ are company's inside networks. So from INSIDE to DMZ what will we use as the domains?

NVI (NAT Virtual Interface) addresses these and many other limitations of classic Domain NATing.. Now the NAT is doing at a virtual interface inside the process rather than doing it on physical interfaces. Even you can do NAT for the traffic of same interface too like in Hair-Pinning or NAT-Loopback in Cisco ASAs.

Let's see a simple example of static NAT 1st..

Let's configure NAT on R2..

Enable NAT on interfaces..

R2(config)#int e0/0
R2(config-if)#ip nat enable

R2(config)#int e0/1
R2(config-if)#ip nat enable

Do the mapping..
R2(config)#ip nat source static
R2(config)#ip nat source static


As soon as you enter any NAT related command, NVI0 will come up as a new interface. It will assign an IP address of an actual interface just to show off. It does not matter what the IP address of NVI is. Because I entered a nat command on e0/0 interface 1st it took the IP address of that interface. If I entered a global command I think it will take the lowest interface (E0/0 in this case) IP address.
You cannot go inside to it or change it. If you want to remove it, you have to undo all the NAT related commands and reboot the router..

Now let's see the translations table by show nat nvi translations command..

No translations have been occurred yet as no traffic has passed through..

Let's see the routing table..

Well there are 2 entries in the routing table for NAT IPs. Pretty much the same as in Domain NATing.

When the servers are generating traffic destined to outside of their network (ex:- pinging to which is actually the public IP of PC1 from, you will see the following output..

Inside Global, Inside Local & Outside Global, Outside Local have been replaced with the following above which really means the same..

Let's change something and see the behavior..

This time I am changing the source & global address of Server-2, let's see what happens..
Doing the mapping..
R2(config)#ip nat source static

Now before traffic passes through, the table will be like this..

How about a ping from Server-2 to address now..
Well, it is not pinging, because there is no matching translation rule.


The above command means to translate the source IP to if it is
But the source IP is always so the packet will be forwarded from R2 according to the routing table without any translation which will not come back again because the far end destination does not know how to find the

Though the rule is incorrect there will be a routing entry for the static destination as a local route via E0/1..


This above example could have been done by Domain NATting too.. More unique examples for Domainless NATing will be discussed in later posts..

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