First of all download the EWC image from Notice that though you have a 9120 model AP, the EWC image is based on the 9800 platform.
You can use the username you created to log in to the GUI now,
You must also have a TFTP server up and reachable from AP. I use the freeware TFTPd64 on my PC.
Unzip the C9100 EWC AP image bundle to the TFTP folder and you will see a readme.txt file, open it.
When the AP is in EWC mode, you should have ap1g7 as the AP image and C9800-AP-iosxe-wlc.bin as the EWC image. Both should be uploaded to the AP via TFTP to do the conversion.Though it is a fresh AP, it is a best practice to do the hardware reset before even the conversion. Plug the console cable and hold the reset button at the back of the AP and given the power either through an injector or via a POE switch.
Note that IEEE 802.3af which can only give a max power of 15.4 W per port will not be able to boot up this AP. You will need at least IEEE 802.3at which is called POE+
Now on the console, give the default username and password Cisco, Cisco and enable password as Cisco and enter the following commands.
capwap ap ip
ap-type ewc-ap tftp:// tftp://
the IP is my TFTP server.
After you enter the last command it will trigger a reset and reboot will come up with EWC mode CLI.
You will asked to enter in to the initial configuration wizard like in routers, just hit NO for this one.
Note that if this did not appear like this perhaps because of a previous configuration which is not wiped out from reset, you will see the prompt with a host name like EWC> or some other hostname. If it happened continuously, just reload and configure through the wizard..
We will start with going to config mode and giving the hostname
configure terminal
hostname EWC
Now let's create the local user admin
user-name admin
privilege 15
password 0 Cisco123
Now specify the credentials used to log into APs joined to this EWC
ap profile default-ap-profile
mgmtuser username admin password 0 Cisco123 secret 0 Cisco123
Now configure management interface IP address and subnet
interface gigabitEthernet 0
ip address
Now configure the management default gateway IP address
ip default-gateway
Now enable web interface of EWC
ip http server
ip http secure-server
Finally save the configuration to make use of the above commands.
write memory
Now if you are in the same subnet / VLAN as the EWC is, you can log in to the EWC via the browser.
username: admin
password: Cisco123
After you logged into the EWC you will notice that there are no APs joined to the controller. This is because the conversion made a factory reset on AP and your EWC is now in subnet and the AP is now in default subnet.
Now log into the AP from EWC CLI internally using the following command
wireless ewc-ap ap shell username admin
use the admin password Cisco123, enable password will also be Cisco123
If this username and password is not taking use the default Cisco username and password Cisco to get in to the AP.
If you hit show ip interface brief, you will see the AP and the EWC are in different VLANs.
You will need to give the IP address of AP again to match the EWC subnet.
capwap ap ip
Now the AP will register in EWC and anything regarding the AP will be configured via GUI easily.
Joining Other APs to the EWC
The other APs need to have the correct images to join this EWC, so the following configuration must be there on EWC to identify the TFTP location.
wireless profile image-download default
image-download-mode tftp
tftp-image-path /
On the other APs, you need to configure the IP address and mask. The controller IP should be configured if they are placed in a different VLAN than EWC, just like a normal light weight AP.
capwap ap ip
capwap ap primary-base EWC
Additional Notes:-
You can factory reset the AP using EWC CLI by the following command
wireless ewc-ap factory-reset
You can convert EWC back to CAPWAP mode using the following command in AP CLI
ap-type capwap