
Monday, July 10, 2023

For this I am using the raspbx-10 which seems to be stable at the moment I do this. The Pi I use is my old model 3 B, but should definetly work on model 4. Aslo I use the current updated SCCP Manager which has a bug. Hopefully the bug will be fixed at the time you read this post but anyhow I will provide a simple work around I did myself to overcome it.

I am writing this post after trying numerous ways to do this using SIP and SCCP but looks like Cisco SIP images were full of bugs and this was the method which worked for me. Note that the phones I use here are very old but this method will do the trick for any Cisco phone model you have and this seems to be the easiest way.

Download the image from official site and fireup a an SD card and load it to the Raspberry Pi.

 Lab setup is simple, all the devices are in the same LAN. DCHP server is created in a router, TFTP is hosted by default in FreePBX server which again is inside my Pi. 
Once the RasPBX is installed, log in using the root username and password and set it up with a static IP.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
apt-get install git
cd /usr/src
git clone https://github.com/chan-sccp/chan-sccp chan-sccp
cd chan-sccp
./configure --enable-conference --enable-video 
make -j2 && make install

Now just use a web browser to access log in to FreePBX and do the initial configuration.
Just give a username and password, an email and a System ID name..
Then use the above given password to log in to the FreePBX Administration on next window.

Now go to Admin -> Asterisk Modules and under Excluded Modules add chan_skinny.so and under Manually Loaded Modules add chan_sccp.so and hit Apply Config..

Now hit a reboot in CLI..

Download the SCCP Manager from following link..

Under Admin -> Module Admin, use Upload Modules to upload the downloaded file.
Now click Manage local modules -> SCCP Manager, hit Install and Process, Confirm..

Here is the place you get the following error.

If you get this error, just go to the cli and hit the following command to edit the php file.
nano /var/www/html/admin/modules/sccp_manager/install.php
just comment the if clause and save it like below.

Now Process, Confirm it again it will be fine, just hit Return..
Now you can see new SCCP Connectivity Tab appear in the PBX.
Go to SCCP Connectivity -> Server Config and set SCCP Server Name to Asterisk.
Move to SCCP Device and Change the Digit Timeout to 2 which is more practical for lab.
Move to SCCP Time and check Yes to NTP Server Enabled and change the Time Zone to match yours..
Hit Submit and Apply Config..

Now download the images from Cisco official site. The phone model I am using is 7945G.
I used version Firmware version 9.4(2)SR4 which is kind of a latest. Make sure to download the .zip file not the cop.sgn file.

Now unzip the files and load them to /tftpboot directory using a SFTP client like FileZilla.
Following are the firmware files.

Now go back to SCCP Connectivity -> System Parameters and select Show All from drop down.
Search for 7945 and hit the Pencil mark in Actions. 

Copy the Load Image name from the actual file name and paste it (without .loads extension) and hit Apply.

Now go to Sccp Connectivity Tab -> Phones Manager. Click Add Extension.
In General Tab, I entered this phone Extension and Display Name both to be 1001 and hit Submit.

Again go to SCCP Manager -> SCCP Phone and click Add Device Phone.
Under Device Configuration, enter the MAC address of the phone and Type to match something like 7940 (7945 was not there). Also I changed the device label to be 1001. The label has nothing to do with the extension. 

The Line is mapped at the Device Buttons tab..

Now Plug the phones to the switch and give the hard reset.
Hard reset is giving power pressing the # key until the line buttons blink and then push 123456789*0#

Then the phones will register..

Please note that the following is the DHCP configuration in my router.

Option 150 must be configured to identify the TFTP server..

Thursday, February 2, 2023

This is a quick and easy way to give access to an internal resource from outside using SSL type of VPN without a vpn client.

Configuration on ASA will be like the following,
Assuming basic configuration is done, 

 enable OUTSIDE

group-policy WEBVPN internal
group-policy WEBVPN attributes
 banner value "Unauthorized Access Denied"
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-clientless
username cisco password cisco123
username cisco attributes
 vpn-group-policy WEBVPN

OUTSIDE is the G0/0 interface name, what I have done over there is that the group-policy and it's attributes were defined and the group policy is specified under username attributes.

When the user opens his web browser and browse the OUTSIDE interface IP, 

The banner will be displayed after entering the username. In this example it is cisco and password is cisco123.

You can see that the following services will be accessible.

If the routing is available from ASA to the server, the user will be able to gain access without the need of any access control entry.
What happens at the backend actually is a new IP will be assigned to the user session from ASA. The server will see that IP, not the real user IP.

Port Forwarding with WebVPN

As you can see on the dropdown, only http, https, cifs and ftp are the capable protocols. But if you need to do any other protocol like telnet, ssh etc, you will do a port forward in WebVPN.

 port-forward APPS 30001 23

group-policy WEBVPN attributes
  port-forward value APPS

Anyone in the WebVPN group will have this access..

Now log off and login again will show another new icon "Application Access".

If JRE1.4 is working well on the users PC, you will get the dialog box to access. Because of Java issues, will not be possible to run on most machines. Even the later versions of JRE would not work.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Active / Active failover method is supported only in Multiple Context mode. This Active / Active words here are kind of misleading as even though both the ASAs are forwarding traffic, they are not forwarding the same traffic, meaning 1 context is active for a 1 ASA while the other context is active for the other ASA only. So 1st of all we need to get contexts ready before the failover configuration.

Going to create 2 contexts, IT and SALES. 

SW1 and SW3 are carrying IT traffic while SW2 and SW4 is carrying SALES traffic.

Let's start by converting ASAs to multiple context mode by mode multiple command on ASAs and bringing up the interfaces from system context.

Configuring ASA1;

context IT
  allocate-interface Ethernet1 
  allocate-interface Ethernet3 
  config-url disk0:/IT.cfg

context SALES
  allocate-interface Ethernet2 
  allocate-interface Ethernet4 
  config-url disk0:/SALES.cfg

Now it's the time to configure Failover..

failover lan unit primary
failover lan interface FO Ethernet0
failover link FO Ethernet0
failover interface ip FO standby

Configuring failover groups

failover group 1
failover group 2

Join the contexts to failover groups

context IT
  join-failover-group 1
context SALES
  join-failover-group 2

And on Secondary ASA;

failover lan unit secondary
failover lan interface FO Ethernet0
failover link FO Ethernet0
failover interface ip FO standby

finally hit failover on both the ASAs..

prompt command will change the system name accordingly to identify where you are in CLI.
use something like hostname context priority state  in system context.

You can configure all the other things from now on just like you would do in normal ASAs but remember to do them on currently active ASA for the context you need to configure. As an example, configure interface IP for SALES context should be done in ASA2 now.

Failover show commands like show failover will be helpful in config verification.

This is the most widely used failover configuration in Cisco ASA deployments. 

There is a special connectivity for control plane of this failover called failover link. In the diagram it is the connectivity between eth0 interfaces. 

There are 2 things to be shared between the ASAs, configuration and the stateful information. You can use 2 separate interfaces for this or you can use 1 for both which is the most popular deployment.

In this setup, I am also using 1 link for both the purposes. Also this link is used to monitor each other's availability by the ASAs.

We will make ASA1 the primary and ASA2 the secondary. 

On ASA1;

failover lan unit primary
failover lan interface FO Ethernet0
failover link FO Ethernet0
failover interface ip FO standby

On ASA2;

failover lan unit secondary
failover lan interface FO Ethernet0
failover link FO Ethernet0
failover interface ip FO standby

failover lan interface command is there to define the config syncing interface where as failover link command is to define the stateful information syncing interface. 'FO' is just a name given.

If you are defining another seperate interface for stateful information sync up, use the floowing command;

failover link SF g0/3

SF is just a name given.

Now you can configure anything on the primary active firewall and will be synced up to the secondary.

Additional Note:-

You can configure prompt hostname command to identify the current active device.

Following are some verification commands,

show failover
show failover history
show failover state

failover exec standby <any exec level command> can be used in configure mode of primary ASA to execute commands in standby unit.

Security Contexts are just virtual firewalls within same physical ASA hardware box. 
Licenses must be there to begin with, verify using show license features command and current mode using show mode command. show mode will display current mode as single mode.

Start with clearing configuration by config mode command clear configure all.

Change the mode to Multiple Context by the command mode multiple. ASA will go through a reboot.

Once you are in the Multiple Context mode, you are booted by default into a default context called system context. This context is there just to define your other contexts.

Also there is another default context called admin context. It is there just to access system context but you can use it for your normal purposes as well.

You can make your own context to be the admin context later. The * mark is there to identify the admin context.

Now I am creating 2 contexts called IT and SALES and allocate interfaces. This is done in system context.

context IT
  allocate-interface e0
  allocate-interface e1
  config-url flash:IT.cfg

context SALES
  allocate-interface e2
  allocate-interface e3
  config-url flash:SALES.cfg

Note that a config file needed to be created because a separate config file must be maintained for each Context.

Changing Security Mode can be done using changeto context command. You can change to any context via admin context and you can change to admin context via other non admin contexts. But you cannot change to non admin contexts or system context from non admin contexts.

After changing to Contexts you can configure just as you would do in a normal firewall. Now you have 2 virtual ASA firewalls in same box.

Let's change IT context as the admin context by the command admin-context IT.

Resource Allocation

This can be done through Class Maps in the following simple way.

class GOLD
 limit-resource conns 100000
 limit-resource Xlates 50000

class SILVER
 limit-resource conns 75000
 limit-resource Xlates 25000

I defined classes defined and values were set for most resource utilizing features in ASA, connections and NAT translations.

Now let's assign those classes to Contexts,

context IT
  member GOLD

context SALES
  member SILVER

If you want you can allocate same interface to other contexts. As an example Ethernet 0 is allocated to both IT context and SALES contexts.

write memory all will save all configuration made on all contexts at once.

This feature came to ASA after version 9.x. This is the only method of configuring redundancy with more than 2 Cisco ASAs if required.

There are 2 methods in ASA clustering, one is Individual Interface Mode and the Other one is Spanned Mode. This post is about most widely used Spanned Mode.  

CCL is the Cluster Control Link which governs the configuration sharing within ASAs.

SW1's VLAN 1 interface IP is and SW2's VLAN 1 interface IP is INSIDE and OUTSIDE interfaces per ASA is as shown in the diagram and port channels are to be configured.

Within the cluster, 1 ASA must act as the Master and all others are Slaves. Here I am configuring ASA1 as the master,

cluster interface-mode spanned
cluster group PERIMETER
  local-unit ASA1
  cluster-interface e0 ip
  priority 5

On ASA2;

cluster interface-mode spanned
cluster group PERIMETER
  local-unit ASA2
  cluster-interface e0 ip
  priority 10

show cluster info and show cluster history are verification commands.

Cluster configuration part is done, but in order to flow traffic with load balancing, port-channels must needed to be configured.

These switch port channels are the real load balancers here. Let's do this with LACP configuration.

On SW1;

interface range e0/0-1
  channel-group 1 mode active

On SW2;

interface range e0/0-1
  channel-group 2 mode active

On ASA1; (configuration is now done on Master box only, Slaves will replicate)

interface e1
  channel-group 1 mode active
  no shut

interface e2
  channel-group 2 mode active
  no shut

int po1
  port-channel span-cluster
  mac-address aaaa.bbbb.1111
  nameif INSIDE
  security-level 100
  ip address

int po2
  port-channel span-cluster
  mac-address aaaa.bbbb.2222
  nameif OUTSIDE
  security-level 0
  ip address

Additional Note:-

If one session entered from ASA1 and returned from ASA2, ASA2 will forward the returning traffic to ASA1 via CCL. So unlike in other redundant methods like Active/Standby or Active/Active in ASA, CCL link is used for data traffic forwarding as well.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Here are some tips I found while troubleshooting ASA NAT issues. 

Verifying Configuration

First thing is that the Auto-NAT is not showing in the show run output of Cisco ASA under object network configuration which is used to configure it.

As an example, I did the following Static Auto NAT config;

Well, it should be there in the running config, but not where I configured..

It is there in the running config, but in a different place, Pipe nat or scroll all the config, you will find it.

View NAT Translation Information

There are few commands to see NAT translations in Cisco ASA.

show nat command will only be a summary, better command will be show nat detail, well for me show nat is a useless command as show nat detail covers it all.

Untranslate hits means in the above example, the traffic is coming from OUTSIDE. Translate hits means coming from DMZ.

Dynamic NAT & PAT Pool Related Issues

show nat pool command can be used to tackle PAT issues like PAT pool exhaustion issues.

Allocated 1 means, one port from 1024-65535 pool is used.

Another useful command is show xlate, specially for verifying PAT translations.

You can bind show xlate command with a local address or a global address for more granular output.

NAT Divert Issues.

NAT is used to figure out the Egress interface for a traffic flow before even the route lookups/PBRs.
So if the interface pair is misconfigured, the entire flow will be forwarded to a wrong interface dropping the traffic.

object network WEB
   nat (dmz,outside) source static

Above configuration tells the ASA that, when tries to move from DMZ to OUTSIDE, it should be translated to and when something hits on OUTSIDE interface, it should be untranslated back to and forward to DMZ interface. 
If the DMZ interface is misconfigured here, the traffic is dropped.

show nat divert-table can be useful to find such issues.

Friday, January 20, 2023

There are many misconceptions about NAT out there. I would like to write something I learned, figured out about NAT concepts in Cisco Firewalls. 

Source NAT means Your NAT

In Cisco world Source NAT word is misleading. "Source" here really means "Yours". 
You are configuring your Firewall to translate your IP addresses which is in the LAN throughout the entire session for both forward and return traffics. This Source NAT (aka Yours IP translation) will be used 99% in real world.

Source NAT really means Your IP is getting NATted

On the other hand "Destination NAT" which really means translating remote address will be needed very rarely. It is not really used anymore in real world. Think of an example where you need to translate remote IP for your purposes.

Auto NAT vs Manual NAT

In Cisco Firewalls, you can perform NAT via 2 methods. Auto NAT which is also called Object NAT is something you configure within a network object itself where Manual NAT which is also called Policy NAT / Twice NAT is performed based on a traffic criteria (Source/Destination IP).

Types of NAT

Following are the different types of NAT which are used for different requirements.

Static NAT
Static PAT (Port Forwarding)
Dynamic NAT
Dynamic PAT

We will take a look at how the above NAT types can be configured using Auto-NAT method as it s the simplest method in ASA.

Static NAT

Works bi-directional by default. Generally used to translate public servers statically. So this is used by clients to access your servers. The flow is mostly initiated from OUTSIDE towards DMZ in real world.

Map DMZ Web server IP to Outside public IP
Map DMZ Email server IP to Outside public IP

object network WEB
   nat (dmz,outside) static

object network EMAIL
   nat (dmz,outside) static

Static PAT (Port Forwarding)

Same kind of use case like Static NAT instead used when you have only 1 public IP to map several private IPs.

Map DMZ Web server IP to Outside public IP
Map DMZ Email server IP to Outside public IP
Map DMZ DNS server IP to Outside public IP

object network WEB
   nat (dmz,outside) static service tcp 80 80

object network EMAIL
   nat (dmz,outside) static service tcp 25 25

object network WEB
   nat (dmz,outside) static service udp 53 53

You can change the port numbers if you want to give server access from a different port. 1st port number is the real service port, 2nd one is the mapped port.

Dynamic NAT

This is used to map a pool of private IPs to a pool of public IPs dynamically. IP assignment will happen randomly.

Define the range public IPs

object network PUBLIC-POOL

Define the internal IP range

object network INTERNAL
   nat (inside,outside) dynamic PUBLIC-POOL

Dynamic PAT

Generally configured for internet access to internal hosts. Will be overloaded to an interface, single IP or even to a pool. If overloaded to a single IP, 64000 simultaneous connections will be provided. If that is not enough, you can configure a PAT pool so that the amount of simultaneous translations will be multiplied by the number of IP addresses in the pool

object network PUBLIC-IP

object network INTERNAL-IPS
   nat (inside,outside) dynamic PUBLIC-IP


object network INTERNAL-IPS
   nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface 

Configure using Manual NAT Method

As an example,
You need to translate to when is going to access and at the same time translate to when is going to access

Here, the source IP and destination IP of the packet must match to perform the NAT. This can be achieved by Manual NAT via the following configuration.

Polices are defined after objects created.

object network S

object network X1

object network X2

object network D1

object network D2

nat (inside,outside) source static S1 X1 destination D1 D1
nat (inside,outside) source static S1 X2 destination D2 D2

You can translate destination service by this too and also you can do this uni-directionally even for static NATs if you want. You can perform any type of NAT which you could do with Auto NAT including Static NAT, Static PAT, Dynamic NAT, Dynamic PAT, Destination NAT etc and even put a dynamic policy to be executed 1st by changing the policy order with simple modification to the command.

NAT Order of Operation

There are 3 Sections in ASA configuration. 

Section 1 will be executed 1st while section 3 will be the last. Section 1 is comprised of Manual NAT and Section 2 is comprised with Auto NAT. Section 3 is for Manual NATs again if you want to execute some of them after Auto NAT rules.

Within Section 2, Static NAT rules will be executed before Dynamic NAT rules.

Manual NAT will be executed by policy order which you can change but Auto NAT will be executed with the longest match 1st theory
show nat command will display the NAT table in order.

This packet flow is something I created based on the labs I did to understand how ASA works. This will help you to troubleshoot packet drops in ASA for non VPN traffic.

RX Ring Buffer Overrun

RX Ring is the software input queue which holds the packets for processing. If the RX Ring is filled, the traffic will be dropped before even processing. This can be seen by show interface <interface-name> command like the following.

Overrun counter will indicate how many packets were dropped due to RX Ring exhaustion. Here the "hardware (0/0)" is just because I use a ASAv for lab, but for real hardware it will show some value.

Existing Connection Check

Connection table can be viewed from show conn command.

Above snap shows an existing telnet connection originated from INSIDE interface source If a packet which belongs to same traffic comes to the INSIDE interface, ASA will forward it to directly to NAT Translations.

If the packet is a TCP SYN or a UDP, it will be forwarded to NAT Untranslations and move on.

If there is no existing connection and if the packet is a non-TCP SYN, it will be dropped with a syslog similar to the following:

ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from /32256 to /23 flags PSH ACK on interface INSIDE

NAT Untranslation 

Packet it untranslated before ACL check; this is the reason we put ACLs to your private addresses instead of your public addresses.

The packet drop can occur due to the destination address translations and diverting to the wrong interface.

ACL Check

First packet in flow is checked against ACLs. This is why you can see fewer hits in show access-list command.

Denied packets are dropped and logged like the following:

%ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src OUTSIDE: dst INSIDE: by access-group "OUTLIST"

Allowed packets will be logged like the following:

%ASA-7-609001: Built local-host OUTSIDE:
%ASA-7-609001: Built local-host INSIDE:
%ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 87 for OUTSIDE: ( to INSIDE: (

NAT Translation

This is the place to run the NAT translation rules. This is done before routing so that the route lookups can be performed for translated addresses.
I don't see any reason to the traffic to be dropped here. Cisco ASA software older than version 8.2 needed the NAT to be performed mandatorily but now it is not the case. So for older ASAs, there could have been traffic drops here, but not now. 

L3 Route Lookup

Egress interface is determined 1st by NAT rules or existing connection entries. If couldn't find a macth, global routing table will be consulted.

If the L3 route lookup failed, you will get a syslog similar to following.

%ASA-6-110003: Routing failed to locate next hop for TCP from INSIDE to OUTSIDE:

L2 Address Lookup

If layer 2 lookup fails, you will not see a syslog. show arp will not show required entry and debug arp will indicate if we are not receiving ARP reply. 

TX Ring Buffer Underrun

Same as the Buffer Overrun, if the output queue if full, the buffer underrun counter will increase and packets will be dropped.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Cisco ISE is an application developed on top of Cisco ADE-OS (Application Development Engine).  Because of that, it cannot be accessed through it's CLI. When we log in to the so called ISE CLI, it's actually the ADE-OS CLI where we can configure interface IPs, routing etc. Also we use that interface  to see the status of the Cisco ISE application by the following famous command, show application status ise.

So the CLI admin account has nothing to do with the ISE application admin account.

This CLI admin account password is asked to change during the initial login to the device. If you want to change it later on, use the following command,


Confusion comes with the account name "admin" is being same for the ISE default application but with a password you need to set additionally with the following command,

application reset-passwd ise admin

Use this admin account/password to log in to the ISE through Web UI.