We can use letters, numbers, special characters like underscore / dash etc or even spaces as a string.
We can use both single quotation marks or double quotation marks to get same output. When you use three double quotation marks, you can get some interesting thing done.
As an example, let's say we want to push the following commands to a router.
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 1
We can use the following method with \n in strings to separate lines and send "enter" key effect.
Converting/Casting Strings to Integers
There are some cases we need to convert between data types like strings to integers. As an example, we may get some information like IOS version number from a show version output which comes as a text and will need to get into our program as an integer to run a comparison or do mathematical stuff with it. We can do this by converting string into integer by following way using some special functions.
Following is how to convert between strings, ints or floats using some other functions.
What should we keep in mind is that, it is possible.
This allows us to modify a String with adding some strings to it.
Following is an example.
Formatting Strings
This does concatenation, changing Ints or Floats to String and all.
Let's see the following example.
It will ask for the hostname and version, and it will display it all as a String.
Following were some older ways of doing formatting,
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